

Traveling with an acoustic guitar is both exciting and challenging at the same time. It allows you to bring your music wherever you go. Every guitar player loves to carry their guitar anytime they are planning for a trip or travel somewhere else. There are certain preparations and precautions you should take to ensure that your guitar stays safe and protected during your travels. Most of the guitar lovers keep additional guitars which they keep only dedicated for traveling. In general parlor guitars are considered the best option which is suitable for traveling. Keeping a dedicated guitar for travel will keep your real guitar at home safe. With the right preparation traveling with your guitar can be a fun and stress free experience. Before we discuss about the transportation method, lets get a idea on how to prepare your guitar for traveling.

Preparing and Packing

As you are traveling to a different environment you should prepare your guitar so the environmental factor does not damage your guitar. One of the important things is to humidify your guitar. Do not carry your acoustic guitar being dried. The dried guitar remains more fragile than a humidified one. In general the relative humidity of the environment should be 45-50%. If you are planning to go abroad or a long far distance where the weather is changed, you should start humidifying your guitar 2-3 weeks back. Just using a humidifier overnight will not make your guitar suddenly ready for travel. The technique of humidification is described in the blog- “Maintenance of Guitar”.

Another most important thing is to loosen the guitar strings. If the strings are tightened during travel, it might give additional stress over the neck of the guitar, and also due change of temperature, the string tension might be increased and make it snap.

Choosing the right case for packing the guitar plays the most important role as the protection of the case will actually save your guitar from being damaged. In general, the use of gig bags is safe to carry a guitar. However, if your trip plan is full of journey you may think of a hard case. No matter which case you choose, you must ensure the guitar fits in the case perfectly and it does not have space to move inside. In case your existing guitar case is bigger, you may put some of your clothes or socks which will be effective as padding. Once you pack the guitar, also get some accessories like one set of guitar strings, pick, tuner which might be useful during your trip. Definitely during a trip plan you don’t want to run to a guitar shop just to get a string.  Overall ensure the guitar case is comfortable for you to carry on shoulder or hand whichever you are comfortable.

Traveling by Bus

Traveling with a guitar by bus has its own set of challenges. It can be difficult to find a secure place to store the instrument during the trip, and there is always a risk of damage or theft. Additionally, the size and shape of a guitar can make it cumbersome to carry on and off the bus, especially in crowded or busy areas. However, with proper planning and precautions, it is possible to safely and comfortably travel with a guitar by bus.

Do not plan to carry the guitar in the luggage compartment of the bus. It is recommended to carry it along with you and keep it in front of your seat. Gig Bags are more comfortable to carry your guitar on the bus. It is easy to carry and you can comfortably keep it standing in front of your seat space with the neck holding in between legs. In generally, bus service does not have any restriction to carry a guitar as your hang luggage, however, you may definitely go through the individual bus service.

Traveling by Air

You will definitely find yourself worried, once you plan for travel by air with your guitar. It is always recommended to keep the guitar along with you. So here comes a tricky part. Once you pack your guitar you should pack it in a pattern so that you can also give it in the luggage compartment. At the same time, you should try to convince check in personnel in a polite manner to allow you carry the guitar as cabin luggage. Some of the airlines have written policy regarding the hand carry item and some may have some mercy upon you. If you are having a gig bag, it is highly recommended to carry it as cabin luggage and if you are using a hard case, you can give it for check in luggage without any worry. Even though if you have only the gig bags, and you are not allowed to carry it in the cabin, you should mention and tag the guitar as a fragile item. Still there might be the possibility of damage.

Additionally, it may be necessary to purchase additional insurance to protect the guitar in case of any mishaps during the flight. It is important to research and follow the guidelines set by the airline you are traveling.

Travelling by train

Traveling with an acoustic guitar by train can be a great way to explore new places and have your instrument with you for impromptu jam sessions. With a few tips, it can be a smooth and enjoyable experience. This may include purchasing a sturdy case, loosening the strings, and avoiding placing the guitar in a crowded or unsafe area on the train. The case to protect it from any potential damage. Additionally, try to book a seat in a quieter and less crowded train car to minimize the risk of your guitar getting bumped or jostled. Finally, be courteous to your fellow passengers and let them know if you need to temporarily store your guitar in the overhead compartment or in an empty seat next to you.

Traveling by Boat

If you are planning to travel with your acoustic guitar by boat,First, make sure to pack your guitar in a sturdy, waterproof case. This will protect it from any potential water damage while on the boat.If possible, avoid placing it near any potential sources of moisture.If going on a longer trip, consider investing in a humidifier to keep the guitar’s wood from drying out.Take extra precautions if the boat is docked or anchored, as sudden movements can cause the guitar to shift and potentially become damaged.consider loosening the strings or detuning them slightly to reduce tension on the neck during the journey.Lastly, consider purchasing insurance for your guitar in case of any accidents or damage during the trip.


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